<< Back to hidden flubugsOrigins of Addiction
Seems societies of past were very moral & physically healthy, though low on utility, limited edu, and short lives. That post world would have been a conflicting place to live. Many of our existing flubugs and addictions we live with today are grandfathered from that world: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sex, drugs & meds, as well as behavioral dependencies.
Addictions (like flu bugs) can start at young ages. We can go our entire life without understanding our acquired ails, behavioral habits and formed addictions.
Young people often take a psychology course, not to be a psychologist, but to better understand their parents, as well as themself.
I grew up youngest by of 7 kids, we were all 1 yr. apart in age! As a young child, sometimes when our dad came home from work, 7 wild kids rush, tackle and dogpile him. Though it cheered him, I noticed he felt claustrophobic frustrated with being dog piled, looking back, he was overwhelmed with stresses of life, work, and challenges of life.
Growing up
As a kindergartner, I sat down with my teachers aid, she asked "how high can you count up to". With great excitement I said that I could count to 100 and much more. She kind of rolled her eyes and with what seemed indifference, asked me to go ahead and start. Her lack of interest / belief, dispirited my enthusiasm.
Likewise in kindergarten, two classmates asked me to defend one of them getting bullied by a 1st grader that would step over the line and pick on him.
Then after standing up to a bully in our class taking kids lunch money, our confused teacher walked outside, escorted me inside and into the classroom closet, shutting the door told me "if you don't stop fighting with other kids I'll have the whole class line up and one by one punch you in the stomach as hard as they can."
Looking back, had I had more developed social skills I could likely have diffused (and perhaps made friends with those kids fighting, as well as our class bully).
In 2nd grade, our class was at library reading books, we were asked to finish up and get in line. Being overly focused on that book, I was one of the last kid to line up. I was not lined up so well. Our Teacher grabbed me by the arm digging her nails in, lectured me about being late and sticking out of line.
Days later a classmate asked how I was doing, we could still see her nail marks on the inside of my arm. In both cases above for unkonwn reason it didn't cross my mind think to mention it my parents & siblings.
In 2nd grade, during recess, while playing football, (American soccer) I ran to use the bathroom, on returning to field I noticed all the kids were surrounding one kid running in a circle and kicking him, tears were in his eyes, running through the circle, I stood in front of him to stop the other kids.
The boy got up, though the group continued running in a circle kicking at me. To my surprise, the kid I stood up for, had joined in with the other kids. Grabbing one kid that got too close I tackled and squeezed him, it was my good friend. He said, John, you're hurting me. I said your hurting me too!
Seconds later the recess bell rang, I sprinted after the ring leader to beat him up. He ran 20 yards to three recess monitors socializing together unaware, he stood behind one woman , she saw my eyes, and asked me what was wrong, she then asked the boy hiding behind her (seemed they new each other), instead he ran off to his classroom. I said nothing and went to class.
Looking back though those recess monitors were not doing their job. Though had I been taught that after walking out of a room /building, to observe my surroundings, and observe were I was headed, then I would have noticed those kids being mean, and could have pointed it out to those friendly recess monitors. As well if my good friend was behaving like the other kids, there is a good chance that ring leader was also a good kid and could also be a friend.
Near that same age ~2nd grade I was headed home from visiting a friend, his dad pulled up to tell me not to hang out with his son, that his son wasn't my kind, he was better than me. We stayed friends.
A year later his dad (a semi pro golfer) left his mom for a younger girl at the office, though their relationship didn't last, while his mom later remarried.
Several years later my own parents were struggling. While walking home with a few friends one morning, a car approached us, the man rolled down his window to ask us if we had seen his daughter (who ran away from home) as he pulled away, he paused, to tell us "you guys stay away from her" she's not like you, she's better than you. It was mentioned by one of kids that he was city mayor.
Those were a few experiences of youth. Seems those behaviors are from adults who at some time in life collected societal flubugs, while sometimes turning into behavioral addictions, we struggle with these unseen injuries. Often we ourselves are unaware that we've caught flubugs that often develop into addictions.
As a child (7 ~ 8 yrs of age) we had a tether ball in the backyard. One day while playing alone I got the ball string stuck, all wound around the top of the pole. On that summer day, climbing up the pole to unravel the ball, while climbing up with my arms, I could feel the warm pole against my body, I hung there for a short minute with a warm kind of sensational feeling on my stomach muscles.
Days later I remembered, and thought I would climb the tether pole. Walking outside I begain to climbed up, the sun was warm, however just then my mom opened the sliding glass door (having been observing) and said "Johnny, what are you doing?" I replied with my primary grade school childhood voice, "oh nothing", and instead decided to climb down. That could have developed into a habit. In years ahead it never crossed my mind to try it again.
A friend once mentioned about how while growing up she had simular experince while in bath of warm water; yet also it's well known that baths help heal back injuries.
While growing up with limited education, my favorite teacher was my 5th grade teacher Mr. Windle. He was full of energy, meditated, and would read to us Narnia books about the lion, witch, and wardrobe.
A girl in class liked me, she was oldest of her brothers and sisters, was very active and cool. She invited me over. I went to her house with my younger sister; both her parents worked. We all played a board game, after the game she said we should have sex, her younger siblings and my sister were shushed out the room, though to my fortune they were quick to find the outside window, so instead we just chatted.
As developing youth I was fortunate to have my school teacher quickly correct me for staring. I was fortunate to have people bump me in the right direction at times in life; uncorrected one will likely head the wrong direction developing unseen flubugs that later turn into addicitons.
Mixing healthy activities with our unseen flubugs
Social activities are usually fun. Social activities with caffeine, alcohol, drugs, video games, gambling, are also often fun, without knowing these substances con became a unseen habit and later turn into addiction, not easy to shake.
If people have an appearent good experience with something they are likely to continue doing that without knowing it is bad. Having a nutral to negative experience does the opposite.
Booth ununen flubugs and addictions are debilitating and hold us back from awareness and colors of life. Children and youth that grow up catching and living with addictions as adults will struggle with life; when faced with misunderstanding, challenge, unkindness, perhaps cruelty from others we are more likely to quit, give up, and decline toward discouragement missing out on the opportunities of our lifetime.
Like an unseen flu, unknowingly our body and mind is weaker; we may struggle to see options and opportunity in our moments of duress & challenge. Weeker, we can sucumb to unhappiness, anger, resentment, and hatred. I beleive most of us, live a portion of our adult life (if not our entire life) like that, from simply having caught hidden flus. It is likely these compounding flubugs are cause of our global pandemic.
Both with and without addictions we see our impact on others, and others impact on ourself, good and bad. By discovering our hidden flubugs we have potential to find our better selves; and make a difference.
As a child, one activity Theodore Roosevelt did with their dad was after they went swimming, they would all sundry naked on the back deck. That to be President then did that with his own children. Whether healthy or not to me is unknown. As society worldwide we inherit behaviors from our parents, neighbors and relatives.
Great leaders and those of wealth are also unamune and catch flubugs, not easy to notice like bacteria. Children and youth can pickup habits (at young age) and some even started by adults, that can later develop into addictions, both visible and unseen behaviors. Often within our live we obtain inacurate diagnoses for these flubugs.