How to whip any addiction — From bowhip Mobile App
Three addictions often not understood well are: caffeine, video games, and sex.
1. Caffeine
With search engine, searching for, "is mocha, latte.. an addiction?"
Google & Bings search results returned: "mocha, latte.., caffeine is a mild dependence.." and "not as bad as drugs" -- They kind of avoid the question.
However if you search for is caffeine an addiction, you should see a big Yes and... it's "most consumed world-wide" psychologically addictive drug.
If you try quitting, you may find you've return to it for want of interest /indifference.
On the other hand coffee is a semi-social activity (social healthy) though as such, that can addict other people.
Replacing coffee with real fruit juices and caffeine free Tea are mega healthy for your body and mind.
If you think alcohol isn't an addiction, visit AA (alcoholics anonymous). Wine is sometimes not classified with alcohol, appearing more refined. Beer was common with tv and video games.
2. Video games
Society is more comfortable with saying video games are an addiction. That many games are intentionally made to be addictive.
Video games can be fun, interactive, skill training, a social connection. Video games are often played for something to do. - see next item, sex.
— Here is topic re Alcohol consumption3. Sex
Sometimes humans catch sex addiction; simply catching an unseen flu. Unlike humans, animals and critters don't have as much trouble with addiction. That likely means all animals are healthier than humans including pigs, moles, rodents, and bats! Addiction to sex are influences from advertising, magazines, books, print, internet, as well as mixed with alcohol, gambling, video games, and drugs.
"Makes you go blind" is an old saying. Though in reality, sex addiction reduces inner vision: limits self control, lowers esteem, worth, and confidence, including moral strength; our spirit inside is dimmer. We can lose much of our lives to addiction.
While addicted to sex, our decisions are not as clear, ability is underestimated, as well as one's purpose, and helpfulness to self and others. Our potential impact on society and humanity are reduced simply because (just like catching a flubug) we have caught addiction to something that is natural and part of life.
Most social and religious beliefs teach avoid materials and places were we're more vulnerable to acquire addiction. Thoose ideals are held and taught by Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism... They teach chastity before marriage. Sport coaches commonly teach sex/masturbation looses ones strength. Medical and health org's also teach abstinence.
Some people abstain from sex an entire lifetime including Monks, Nuns, Popes, Bishops, as well groups within Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Jainism.
Some couples practice chastity within marriage, only having sex for children. Image abstaining from sex for a year. Did you know you can do that? If you think you (and or your partner) are not addicted to sex, try and quit sex for one to two months; what if that improves effects on your relationship and on your chiildren's future? Here below is how to can overcome sex craving:
While obstaning, use a study journal (read and practice topics) daily for 1 week and watch cool videos that relate to topic. Your success will improve your relationships, influence others & unfold oportunities for a greater future.
Testimonial videos: Escaping Porn,
Great experiment,
Not Your Problem,
On Conclusion...
If one doesnt think caffeine, video games, pot, sex are bad /addictive, and perhaps won't feel fault, regret, niether discouragement. Though practicing developing those virtues brings deeper connections, relationships, and people being attracted to you, hidden insight, increased mental and physical health & strength.
Some live entire lives held back by addictions (like an unseen flu bug) our addiction are believed to be cause of our world virus epidemic. While addictions injure us, there are many websites, organizations, and groups that actualy care about you and your happiness in life.
With getting rid of addiction; don't focus on what you don't have, you've lost, on what others have, neither dwell on guilt & failure. Rather focus toward discovering and testing things that build you, while avoiding, and discarding unhealthy stuff. If the old saying it true "Makes you go blind" then by breaking addiction, you will see your inner vision restored.Try this for 1 week you'll be glad you gave it a try.
Peole that don't drink and or no longer drink alcholal include:
↖ How to whip any addiction